US Marines Slow to Combine Women, Men in Training


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  • The U.S. Marines have officially begun combining men and women during their first major training exercises called boot camp.
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  • But so far, military leaders appear to be moving slowly to fully join the two sexes together during all training activities.
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  • Reporters from the Associated Press recently visited a Marine Corps base in South Carolina that combines male and female boot camp training.
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  • They observed the training exercises and spoke with leaders about the Marines' current policy.
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  • During intense heat at Marine Base Parris Island, two young recruits were battling inside a training space.
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  • Circling them, a training commander shouted orders, "Hit her! Punch her! DO something!"
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  • Outside the space were a mix of male and female Marine hopefuls.
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  • The recruits are appointed to one of the mixed-sex companies, or large military groups.
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  • The Marine Corps is moving slowly- and at times unwillingly- to combine training women and men at boot camp, the Associated Press reports.
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  • Sometimes the joint training has been successful.
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  • Other times not.
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  • In the training space, men and women are together while completing timed physical exercises or practicing firing guns.
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  • But the line of recruits around the swimming pool outside presents the opposite.
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  • There, companies are broken up into smaller groups called platoons.
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  • The platoons remain separated by sex.
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  • As the recruits line up, there is a small group of women standing at the front with groups of men behind them.
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  • The boot camp training methods suggest Marine Corps leaders still intensely believe there must be some separation in training.
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  • It has been nearly eight years since the defense secretary at the time ordered all fighting-related jobs open to women.
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  • But the Marine Corps just deactivated a training unit at Parris Island this summer.
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  • The unit was created in 1986 to accept women.
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  • Many Marine Corps officers forcefully defend the training separation.
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  • Some leaders have strongly expressed the belief that women can grow more confident quickly if they are not directly competing with often larger or stronger males.
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  • Under pressure from Congress, the Marines Corps changed the unit for women into a mixed-sex group in recent years.
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  • It then officially deactivated it in June.
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  • The remaining recruit companies are either mixed-sex or all male.
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  • Inside the pool, men and women struggle side by side, jumping into the water and swimming to the other end.
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  • Boot camp trainers are also a mix of men and women.
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  • They stand on the edge of the pool ready to throw a float or jump in if needed.
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  • But outside, an all-male group of recruits moves through the woods.
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  • The individuals drop to move forward on their hands and knees across a stretch of burning hot sand.
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  • A second group training outside also includes no women.
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  • General Walker Field, who leads Marine Base Parris Island, told the AP he believes keeping the platoons separated by sex is an important part of forming successful Marines.
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  • Field explained that the Marine Corps has established proven training methods over the years.
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  • Part of this process involves breaking down recruits and then building them back up as successful team members.
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  • Field argued that the platoon model is especially important to that success.
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  • Field said keeping platoons all male or female permits leaders to provide exactly what is needed for each group when they are together in the evenings.
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  • He added that being the same sex at the platoon level also makes it easier for leaders to make the best training decisions at all times.
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  • Lieutenant Colonel Aixa Dones is one female Marine officer who strongly supports a continued separation.
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  • Dones served as the last commander of Parris Island's women-only unit before it was deactivated this year.
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  • She was also a recruit there and says about the experience, "I can't imagine it having gone any other way."
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  • Sergeant Maria Torres is a training commander.
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  • She told the AP she thinks combining companies is a necessary, first step.
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  • But expanding it to the platoon level might have poor results, so "we'd have to start small," Torres added.
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  • But many people disagree.
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  • They say keeping platoons separate only reinforces the idea that women are not considered equal and should be treated differently.
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  • Erin Kirk is a former Marine sergeant who went through the separated training in 2010.
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  • She remembers how male recruits looked down on women in the unit, with some even criticizing the females and calling them names.
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  • The split, she said, divided them into "male Marines" and "female Marines."
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  • She believes that shaped how the men saw the women.
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  • It made it more difficult for them to work together as they moved along.
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  • "It made you feel like you weren't part of the team. It made it difficult to be seen as a real Marine," said Kirk, who served for five years.
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  • She believes mixed-sex platoons would be a good way for women to be seen as equals and not as "other" recruits.
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  • When asked about those issues, Lieutenant Dones disagreed that the separation presents problems for women.
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  • "Our female platoons have been outperforming our male teams, and we have had more female company honor graduates than we have had male," she said.
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  • Some young female recruits spoke to the AP about the current recruitment process.
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  • Nicole Momura said she chose to join the Marine Corps because she thought it was the hardest military branch.
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  • "This recruit was looking for something bigger than herself," the 22-year-old added.
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  • Momura is not concerned about the platoon separation, saying, "We're all going to be working together in the fleet."
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  • Another recruit, 19-year-old Nubia Delatorre, said she is proud to be a member of the second female platoon in her company.
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  • But she admits the men and women do not interact very much.
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  • She said the females are not permitted to talk to the males.
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  • However, Delatorre said she believes women and men get the same training.
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  • In her case, she said she decided to join the Marines because she wanted "to prove to myself that I could do something hard."
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  • I'm Gena Bennett. And I'm Bryan Lynn.